You have likely heard the term anti-inflammatory diet before, but what is it? Basically, it is a diet intended to reduce inflammation in the body by eating the right foods and preparing them the right way. Read further to see our list of foods that promote or prevent inflammation.
An anti-inflammatory diet consists mainly of foods that inhibit inflammation in the body, primarily a variety of foods from the plant kingdom. At the same time, foods that can increase inflammation – for example, sugar and trans fats – are avoided.
The type of inflammation known as acute inflammation is not dangerous – it is the body’s natural reaction and protects us when we are exposed to threats (for example, chemicals and malicious bacteria) or injuries. This type of inflammation shows up as, for example, redness, swelling and increased heat. Low-grade or chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is when inflammation is systemic and constant and affects the body day in and day out, even though the body is not exposed to an immediate threat. This is the type of inflammation that can be harmful to your body. Low-grade inflammation can have several causes, such as being overweight, unhealthy diet, stress and smoking.
All in all, foods included in the anti-inflammatory diet are very healthy and generally in line with current national dietary guidelines. Since an anti-inflammatory diet primarily centres around a wide variety of plant-based foods, it is also rich in fibre, vitamins, antioxidants and offers a host of other benefits.
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