Our gut flora is transferred from our mothers

Research has increasingly highlighted the importance of our gut flora for our health. But did you know that the gut flora is transferred from mother to child? And that how one takes care of their gut flora not only affects themselves but also the unborn child during pregnancy? Taking care of one’s health actually has long-term positive effects on the child’s health and well-being later in life.

Our gut flora’s origin

Research has shown that the initial transfer of microbes (the bacteria we have in our intestines) to a child occurs during birth. Babies born vaginally may have a greater diversity of microbes from the mother’s gut flora compared to those born by cesarean section.

The mother’s gut flora can actually play a crucial role in the development of the child’s gut flora. It has been observed that children whose mothers had a diverse gut flora (rich in beneficial bacteria), had better development of their own immune system. This compared to children whose mothers had a less diverse gut flora.


Childbirth and protection against future diseases

Babies born by cesarean section may have an increased risk of allergies and autoimmune diseases compared to those born vaginally. Researchers conducted a study examining the development of gut flora in a group of children, and it showed that babies born by cesarean section had gut flora with less diversity. Specifically protection against allergies, during their first two years of life. The study also mentions that with an awareness of how different delivery methods can affect a child’s health, there is an opportunity to improve conditions. For example, early exposure to regular food can help promote a more diverse gut flora in babies born by cesarean section.

Supplementation of beneficial bacteria has been shown to have a positive correlation with health and a reduced incidence of allergies. But also a reduced risk of certain diseases later in life.

Although it is advantageous to give birth vaginally to transfer a diverse gut flora to the child, having a cesarean section does not mean that it is impossible to have a healthy gut flora and a strong immune system later in life. Babies born by cesarean section may have a less diverse gut flora in the beginning of life. But it can mature and diversify over time through proper diet and lifestyle choices. So, in the case of a cesarean section, focus on promoting a healthy gut flora in the child through diet and lifestyle over time.


What can you as an expectant mother do to influence your child’s gut flora?

The most important thing is to maintain balance in your own gut flora. You can do this through a healthy and varied diet rich in fiber. In addition, intake of probiotics can contribute to improved gut flora. Synbiotics are particularly useful as they provide the intestine with both beneficial bacteria and the nutrients they need to survive and thrive.

Furthermore, it is important to avoid factors that can damage the gut flora, such as stress and an unhealthy diet. Stress can negatively affect the gut flora by increasing the production of cortisol, a hormone that can disrupt the balance of different microbes in the intestine. By managing stress through techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, or other relaxing activities, you can also contribute to promoting a balanced gut flora.

When it comes to diet, it is important to avoid foods that may be inflammatory to the gut. Instead eating an anti-inflammatory diet rich in vegetables, fish, and whole grains helps reduce inflammation in the intestine and promote the growth of good bacteria.


How you can promote a healthy gut flora during pregnancy:

– Eat a varied diet rich in fiber from vegetables and whole grain products.

– Consume an anti-inflammatory diet with plenty of fish, healthy fats, and antioxidant-rich foods.

– Add probiotics to support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

– Try to avoid stress and manage it through techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, or other relaxing activities.


Imbalance in your gut flora? Take Stig’s gut health tests!



“Developmental trajectory of the healthy human gut microbiota during the first 5 years of life” Cell Host & Microbe.,


Read more

Studie av Gomez de Agüero et al. ” The maternal microbiota drives early postnatal innate immune development”. 17/3- 2016. Science.


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