Probiotics and healthy bacteria

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines probiotics as ‘living micro-organisms which, when administered in adequate quantities, have a beneficial effect on health. However, most of us know probiotics as lactic acid bacteria or a dietary supplement for the stomach.

Healthy bacteria

The gut flora is located in our digestive system, and it consists of a collection of bacteria and other micro-organisms with a number of different properties and important functions. For our bodies to feel good and function properly, the majority of these bacteria should be good bacteria. Our gut flora should also be rich with many different species of these good bacteria. The good gut bacteria do best when they’re fed fibre – a type of carbohydrate found in plant foods. In the same way, an imbalance can be created in the intestinal flora if we eat a low-fibre diet. Other factors that can also affect our gut flora are stress, sugar, alcohol, antibiotics, etc.

Probiotics – diet or supplement

To support and strengthen the gut flora, we need to ensure we’re eating natural probiotics which are mostly found in fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut. You can also supplement your food with probiotics, or synbiotics which consist of good bacteria and fibre.

Try our Synbiotic supplement here

Probiotic powder

Probiotic supplements are available in various forms – in capsules, as drinks, and also as powders. Powdered probiotics are usually mixed with water or some other cold or lukewarm liquid. Probiotics should not be heated as this will kill the living lactic bacteria.

The best probiotic

The most important thing to consider when choosing a probiotic or synbiotic is to choose a supplement that is backed up by research and clinical studies. Probiotics come in several different varieties – for example, the amount of bacteria may vary from a few million to several billion. In addition, different supplements often use different bacterial strains, and there are also supplements that contain 1 strain while others contain 15 strains. Nowadays, a lot of people choose to take a so-called synbiotic which is a mixture of good bacteria (probiotics) and fibre (prebiotics). Fibre functions as food for the bacteria on their way down to the intestine and make sure that they feel comfortable once they’re there.

Probiotic research

Gut flora and probiotics have become an area of research that’s been given a lot of attention in recent years. The bacteria in our stomachs are linked to different digestive problems, such as IBS and different lifestyle diseases. Something that’s awakened a lot of interest among both researchers and the general public is the connection between the gut and the brain – the gut-brain connection or gut-brain axis.

Bacteria & fibre for your gut

  • Based on 20 years of research
  • Produced in Sweden
  • Natural - no additives

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